Am Bierhaus10
56337 Arzbach
Opening Hours:
Mon-Sat: 4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sun: 11:00 a.m - 10:00 p.m.
About Altes Bierhaus
History of Altes Bierhaus
The origins of today's beer house go back to the 17th century, when a grain mill, a beer brewery, a brewer's bar and a blacksmith's shop settled here at a very striking location, so to speak in the center of the surrounding communities. At that time, around 1695, this settlement was already known as "bei Bierhauße".
When choosing the location at the time, the connecting routes to the so-called "Augstorten" networked here certainly played a decisive role. Because of this central location, the "Zum Bierhaus" inn, which is connected to the brewery, was an ideal place for meetings, consultations, assemblies and exhibitions well into the 20th century. The mayors, other community representatives, but also pastors and mayors met here to discuss projects and draft resolutions. The inn also brought together the Augsters to give lectures on politics, agriculture, culture and transport.
The members of the local Raiffeisen associations met here from around 1906. The first telephone connection in the entire Aufgst was installed here in 1904. A few days before the outbreak of World War I, the MGV Cäcilia Arzbach organized a singing festival here. The gymnastics and games club chose the same place in 1926 as the venue for its annual final gymnastics. The elderly should still have vivid memories of the "Bierhäuser Kirmes" on Corpus Christi, which even survived the First World War.
The old beer garden with its wonderful Bambenstand is abandoned today, the completely dilapidated bowling alley was completely demolished. Traffic problems mean that a revitalization of this old part of the beer house is unfortunately not yet possible.
It was not until 1996 that the slumber of the beer house ended when the estate was sold by the Diefenbach community of heirs. The building owners' association "Altes Bierhaus" was brought into being in order to make the beer house a well-known meeting place again. With great personal and financial commitment, in recent years, shortly before 12 noon, so to speak, the completely neglected property has been restored to what you see today.
Combining the old with the new, meeting today's demands and still preserving the old, the overall concept was developed according to these aspects. The external appearance of the "old beer house" has not been changed. The new beer garden should allow the tradition of the old to live on in the hope that the day will come when the old beer garden with the well-preserved dance floor can be put back into operation.
In addition to the new beer garden, a romantic inner courtyard was created, which also offers our guests a cozy ambience in the warm spring and summer days.
In addition to our new taproom, which we have given the name "Sudhaus" again in the old tradition and which offers numerous types of beer and a rich menu, there are other guest areas in the "Old Beer House":
The "Gambrinus-Stube" with its cozy regulars' table area is reminiscent of the patron saint of beer brewers, the Kaiser-Wilhelmstube provides a connection to the good old days, when Bad ems and the surrounding area were visited by Kaiser Wilhelm as a preferred vacation spot for several decades. In these areas you can expect freshly prepared delicacies of the high gastronomy.
If you have ever looked too deeply into the glass, our new hotel rooms await you, with shower / toilet, TV and WiFi that meet all requirements.
We are sure to have aroused your curiosity with the signs "To the catacombs". Here you go down to the huge, old rock cellars, in which beer was previously cooled and stored. These cellars, which are still in very good condition, will invite you to hearty feasts and feasts in the future and will remind you of old times with candlelight and music.
We endeavor to offer our guests a well-rounded picture of event gastronomy in the future. Of course, this also includes music and dance events, children's entertainment, etc.